Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day One Hundred Twelve.

I just woke up today, and I feel very strange. A combination of the knowledge I am going home soon, my dreams last night, and the person who usually comforts me not physically being here has left me with this 很奇怪的感覺. It's a very odd feeling to simultaneously want to stay in a place, and return home; if I think it through, I can name every single thing from each location that I miss now and will miss when I am gone. Unfortunately, combining the two is impossible. My life is set on a very particular path, crazy and winding. If someone had described this path and this self to me as a sort of "lingering after effect" per say of this trip, I would have laughed in their face. I think, because of these changes and this path however, I am ready to go home. I have achieved more here than I ever expected, reaching above and beyond the goals I set for myself prior to departure. With the way things are going recently, who knows what else I will accomplish in the 22 days that remain. I have started looking back at the days already expired and counting down to Day One. The corresponding day for today (22) is quite uneventful, however I remember exactly what I was feeling on this day and why I wrote it. Quite frankly, looking back on it all, I was so childish to consider what happened to cause this "worst day ever" a tragedy. As proof, I don't even talk to any of those people regularly anymore and I was letting them control my moods and my thoughts on the day. I wouldn't change it though...even if I had the chance to tell myself not to waste my time, I'd just sit back and watch myself blunder through the dark and laugh every time I stubbed my toe.

You run the gauntlet and come out beaten, bloody, and stronger on the other side.

Today is my last class ever here, a makeup from last week's Law class. All that is left is for me to take the finals for Law and Marketing and I will be finished.

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