Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day Eighty-Five.

I'd like to start this post with "don't freak out" and "everything is fine" for those of you (Mother) who have already spotted the photograph at the end of this post and are currently hyperventilating your way into a rage of worry. I repeat: Everything is fine.

Today, I was once again blessed with the evidence of how wonderful my life truly is. I have the most amazing friends in the entire universe. I am incredibly lucky to have met these people. People who will drop whatever they are doing and help you find a hospital when all the nearby clinics are closed for holiday. People who will smile at you and rub your back, let you rest your head on their shoulder and just breathe to stay calm. People who will schedule your second appointment for you, and vow to bring you back until you're better. People who will take you by surprise. People who will wait outside the hospital for you to be released and make sure everything is okay. People who care. People who make you eat your porridge, and will even taste-test it for you to show you it's okay to eat. People who remind you to take your medicine. People who teach to you play cards as they wait and watch over you to make sure the medicine isn't having strange side-effects. People who walk you home after dark to be sure you make it home safely and have the strength to climb all three hundred stairs.

I love those people more then they can ever know. Those people are my friends.

Thank you, Tommy, Julianna, and Liferan.

Everything is nothing; nothing is everything.

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