Friday, April 15, 2011

Day Sixty-Two.

[This was written last night, but apparently I was so asleep I didn't post it. Sorry, everyone!]

I released the URL to my new website today, if you haven't seen it please check it out here. It is flash based, so if you are running on a slow connection or are reading from an iPhone, you will not be able to access it. (Sorry, Mom!)

At last, it is Friday. Midterms are over. It's the weekend. For me, this is such bittersweet news. On Monday I wished for Saturday to arrive; now that it is here, I'm not as happy about it as I thought I would be. I have more homework than I thought, including the discovery of an assignment I've had since the beginning of the year for Chinese class. I have to prepare a 15 minute speech for next Friday's class on top of the usual homework. Also, the Marketing presentation is much, much closer and my group hasn't even started on it. I have a bad feeling I am going to prepare the entire thing and just tell everyone what to do. Last Friday my law professor gave us our thesis assignments and I have to prepare a 30 page, fully researched thesis paper within a few weeks. I feel like, all of a sudden, I am drowning in work again. I don't know how I am going to finish all of this. Jesus, help me.

In case anyone has been curious about an American's day-to-day clothes in Taiwan, a quick study today revealed that the normal American, male or female, tend to fall back on ripped denim jeans, a light gray v-neck t shirt, and aviator sunglasses. The footwear varies by gender or depending on the weather, either sandals or Chuck Taylors. No. I'm not kidding. I called Caleb today after class to tell him I was finished so we could meet and walk over to hot pot and meet everyone. He comes downstairs wearing exactly what I am: gray v-neck, ripped jeans, and aviators. Completely unplanned. Slightly awkward, but hilarious. We walked into hot pot looking like two tall, pale, blonde twins. Don't think for a moment that I didn't get so much crap from the girls for it later either. I have been brutally teased, so no worries. Hot pot was phenomenal, just as expected. I got to meet Linda, a cousin of one of the girls. PSA: She's awesome! I wish she studied here; I'm pretty sure we'd be best friends.

Frisbee was cancelled for the night, but I'm hoping to make up for it tomorrow night. I think I'm going to hit the books and try to get some of this work out of the way tomorrow. By evening I am definitely going to need a rest. Even now I am emotionally and physically exhausted.

Time to hit the hay.

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